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* Offers are only valid at Westfield London. Offers may be subject to additional terms and conditions to those specified. See retailer for full terms and conditions.
Top Deals & Offers
Gift with Purchase at BOSS
from 05 August to 31 December

Visit the store today and redeem an exclusive Westfield Club offer, receive a gift with your purchase when spending £250*. 

Receive an exclusive gift when you spend £250*
from 05 July to 31 December

Westfield Club members who spend £250 in-store at HUGO at Westfield London can redeem an exclusive gift with purchase.

Gift with Purchase at BOSS
from 05 August to 31 December

Visit the store today and redeem an exclusive Westfield Club offer, receive a gift with your purchase when spending £250*. 

Receive an exclusive gift when you spend £250*
from 05 July to 31 December

Westfield Club members who spend £250 in-store at HUGO at Westfield London can redeem an exclusive gift with purchase.

Boux Avenue
Boux Avenue
Buy One Get One Half Price of our PJs in a Bag!

Why the bag? The bag adds to the product's gift appeal, making a point of difference to other competitors. The use for the bag is endless: to store your PJ's in the bag between uses, to pack and transport delicates or fragiles when travelling, and much more.