Registration Account Manager
Company name |
Adress / pace of business |
Commercial register |
Country from where personal data is processed /stored |
Gigya Inc. |
2513 East, Charlestine Road Suite 200 Mountain View, CA 94043, USA |
A Delaware corporation |
Israel / US* |
Cardiweb (card creation) |
14 rue auber, 75009 Paris, France |
RCS Paris n° B, 431 809 508 |
Millennium Goodie Sp. z o.o. |
Ul. Żaryna 2a, 02-593 Warszawa |
NIP: 5251574764 |
Poland |
Expansja Advertising Sp. z o.o. |
Ul. Kordeckiego 47, 60-144 Poznań |
NIP: 7811808030 |
Poland |
CRM-Manager (CRM-Management)
Company name |
Adress / pace of business | Commercial register |
Country from where personal data is processed /stored |
Cardiweb (card creation) |
14 rue auber, 75009 Paris, France |
RCS Paris n° B, 431 809 508 |
Salesforce EMEA Ltd |
Floor 26 Salesforce tower 110 bishopsgate, London EC2N 4AY United Kingdom |
English company |
Lineup7 |
8 boulevard du Montparnasse, 75015 Paris |
SIREN : 810386110 |
France |
Millennium Goodie Sp. z o.o. |
Ul. Żaryna 2a, 02-593 Warszawa |
NIP: 5251574764 |
Poland |
Expansja Advertising Sp. z o.o. |
Ul. Kordeckiego 47, 60-144 Poznań |
NIP: 7811808030 |
Poland |
Data storage
Company name |
Adress / pace of business |
Commercial register |
Country from where personal data is processed /stored |
Amazon Web Services Inc. |
1200 12th Avenue South Suite 1200 Seattle, WA 98144 United States |
Delaware corporation |
Ireland/ USA |
Event Registration
Company name |
Adress / pace of business |
Commercial register |
Country from where personal data is processed /stored |
150 Wharfedale Road, Winnersh Triangle, Berkshire, England, RG41 5GB |
English company |
Ireland UK (for maintenance purpose) |
Customer satisfaction
Company name |
Adress / pace of business |
Commercial register |
Country from where personal data is processed /stored |
Myfeelback . |
Limayrac 31500 TOULOUSE France |
French company |
France |
Critizr |
4 avenue des Saules - Doge B - 59000 Lille |
French company SIREN : 521 950 626 |
France |
Card wallet
Company name |
Adress / pace of business |
Commercial register |
Country from where personal data is processed /stored |
Carving labs |
44 rue Richer, 75009 PARIS, France |
French company |
France |
Company name |
Adress / pace of business |
Commercial register |
Country from where personal data is processed /stored |
Impel Security Provider sp. z o.o. |
ul. Ślężna 118 53-111 Wrocław |
NIP: 5221045593 |
Polska |
Organization of contests
Company name |
Adress / pace of business |
Commercial register |
Country from where personal data is processed /stored |
Expansja Advertising Sp. z o.o. |
Ul. Kordeckiego 47, 60-144 Poznań |
NIP: 7811808030 |
Polska |
Me & My Friends S.A. |
Wyspa Słodowa 7, 50-266 Wrocław |
NIP : 8971777072 |
Polska |
E-Mail-Manager (E-Mailing)
Company name |
Adress / pace of business |
Commercial register |
Country from where personal data is processed /stored |
DCN Direct Sp. z o.o. |
ul. Goworowska 6B, 03-353 Warszawa |
NIP: 118-14-33-185 |
Poland |