ALPR Usage and Privacy Policy
Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield ("URW") utilizes automated license plate recognition ("ALPR") technology at Westfield UTC (the "Center").
A. Purpose
ALPR information may be accessed and used to:
Prevent customers from paying an incorrect fee; and
Reduce customer wait time when exiting the property.
B. Access and Use of the ALPR System(s)
The following parties are authorized to access and use the ALPR System(s):
SKIDATA, Inc./Sentry Control Systems Personnel;
LAZ Parking Management Personnel; and
INDECT Personnel
C. System Monitoring
URW and its ALPR system vendors utilize physical access controls, digital permission controls, and other technological, procedural, and operational security measures to protect ALPR information from unauthorized access, destruction, use, modification, or disclosure. In addition, ALPR system vendors conduct periodic audits of the ALPR system(s) in order to ensure the accuracy of the system(s).
D. Information Sharing
URW and the authorized users identified above do not sell ALPR information. They do not share ALPR information except with each other for the purposes stated above, or as obligated by law, or as necessary for law enforcement to respond to an emergency.
E. Official Custodian
The official custodian of the ALPR information is the Center General Manager. For additional information please contact the Center General Manager.
F. Data Accuracy
Reasonable technical measures, including regular testing, are utilized in order to ensure the accuracy of ALPR information.
G. Data Retention
ALPR information is retained for a period of 30 days unless increased due to legal obligations.
H. Changes to this Policy
This ALPR Usage and Privacy Policy may be revised from time to time by URW. Any changes to the policy will take effect upon posting, and will apply to all ALPR system data regardless of when it was collected, in accordance with applicable law.