- Food & Drink
- Cafes
- Bars & Cocktails
- Casual Dining
- Delicatessens
- Restaurants
- Fine Dining
- Specialty Food
- Bakery & Desserts
- Takeout
- Kid-friendly
- Healthy Options
- Supermarkets
- Ice Cream
- Breakfast
- Italian
- Sandwiches & Salads
- Wine, Beer & Spirits
- Grocery
- Coffee & Tea
- Groceries
- Beverages
- Butchers
- Bakers
- Seafood
- Poultry
- Produce
- Liquor
- Chocolate
- Books, Cards & Gifts
- Cards & Gifts
- Home
- Kitchen
- Delivery
- Afterpay
- Mobile Order

FIND US IN Westfield World Trade Center
ABOUT Eataly
Eataly NYC Downtown occupies an entire floor in the World Trade Center and provides a haven for customers to eat, shop and learn the best of Italian cuisine and wine. From restaurants to retail to unique and exciting classes and events, immerse yourself in all things Italian at Eataly.