Parking FAQ

Frequently asked questions & answers about parking

There are 3 hours of free parking per day in the garage. After that, parking costs 20 SEK/started 30 minute period. If you have been parked for less than 3 hours, just drive out of the garage.

If you are a member of Nacka Forum and have registered your car on our website (before entering the parking garage), you can park for free in the evenings after 6:00 PM (until the garage closes at 10:00 PM) and all weekend (Saturday and Sunday until the garage closes at 10:00 PM). Here's how to take advantage of the offer:

Step 1: Register as a member of Nacka Forum and log in to .

Step 2: Register your car in our parking system via a form here . Please note that you need to be logged in to to be able to register your car; if you are not logged in, you will not be able to access the form.

Step 3: Wait for an email or text message (depending on the contact information you have provided) from Autopay to confirm your registration.

You always pay in arrears! There are 4 different payment options:

by card at the pay machine when you leave the garage. You will find all pay machines in our entrances.

Pay later
Pay later by card within 48 hours at .

Automatic payment
Link your card to and the parking fee will be deducted automatically every time you park in a garage with Autopay.

If you choose to drive in and out of the garage without doing any of the above options, an invoice will be sent to the vehicle owner.
An invoice fee of 49 SEK will be added.

Pay directly on the parkman website, click here to get there.

You simply register your payment card via for automatic payment. In connection with this registration, you will be able to make automatic payments in all Autopay garages. You can still end and pay for your parking via the payment machine if you wish.

All card payments and registration are done through Nets, the market leader in e-commerce and card payments. You can only register one card.

If you have a company car where the company is responsible for all your car costs, you can register your company card at and all parking fees will be automatically deducted from the registered card every time you park in the garage.

If you lease a car, the company that owns the car is invoiced and they in turn usually charge the person who rented the car. If you visit Nacka Forum with the rental car, you can pay the fee directly at the payment machine, or pay your fee online within 48 hours at

The invoice fee costs 49:-.

The camera only takes a picture of the license plate, nothing around it. We follow the camera law.

According to the Camera Act, which is 60 days. The decisions are made by the County Administrative Board.

When you drive in and out of the garage, the cameras record your car's license plate number and measure how long you have been in the garage. If you have been parked for more than 3 hours, you can only drive out, otherwise you have to pay for the extra time. If you enter your license plate number into the payment machine, you can see how long you have been parked and whether you have an amount to pay.

Hur fungerar registreringen?

If you change cars, it is important that you remove that license plate number from your registered account and update it with a new one. Otherwise, you will continue to be charged for that car's parking costs.

Depending on which country the car comes from, we can read the car's registration number, it is best to pay at the payment machine.

In Nacka Forum you will find a total of 78 electric car spaces divided between level 0 (28 spaces) and level -1 (50 spaces), of which 13 are located in our entrance parking lot.

Motorcycle parking spaces are marked in several places in the garages, please follow the instructions. All license plates that are read will be charged, including motorcycles and mopeds. There are cameras that also read the rear license plate if there is only one license plate at the rear.

If you need a receipt afterwards, please contact our parking provider Parkman at 08-734 90 00 or .

If you are waiting for less than 3 hours, just get out. You don't need to pick up a ticket, place a parking disc or go to the machine to pay.

The maximum ceiling height of the garage is 2.30 meters. The height of the vehicle may therefore be a maximum of 2.30m.