Register your vehicle

To get 4 hours of free parking as a member, you need to connect your membership with our parking system Autopay before entering.

How does it work?

Follow the steps:

1. Fill in all your details above and use the same email address that you have registered for your membership. Become a member of Westfield Club HERE

2. Click on the activation link in the email you just received from

3. Check that your car and membership are added to your Autopay account by logging in and selecting the Vehicles and Agreements tab HERE.

Not receiving an email?
If you are not receiving an email, it may be because the email ended up in your spam folder or because you already have an account in Autopay.

How to check that your car is registered:
To manage your cars, log in to your Autopay account and select the Vehicles tab HERE .
Free parking applies on the first occasion per day, maximum once per day. It also only applies to one car per day (the first one that drives into the garage) if you have entered multiple registration numbers on the same Autopay account.

Welcome to our reception on floor 0 or 1 for questions regarding membership and parking.