FIND US IN Westfield Mall of the Netherlands
ABOUT Pink Gellac
Pink Gellac has recently opened its first brand store with a unique manicure concept in Westfield Mall of the Netherlands. In the Pink Gellac Colour Boutique, you’ll find a truly massive range of nail polish that lasts for 14 days. As the DIY gel polish market leader in the Benelux and Germany, you can get complete Manicure Sets from Pink Gellac. Our professionals would love to give you personal advice and are happy to explain how easy it is to apply gel nail polish yourself. Be amazed by our extensive range and take your pick from more than 200 colours. Pink Gellac releases 6 collections a year which are closely linked to the season and the latest fashion trends. Plenty of reasons to visit the Pink Gellac Colour Boutique on the regular and have a fun day out with family or friends at Westfield Mall of the Netherlands.