
Level 0

  • Food & Drink
  • Cafes & Drinks
  • Delicatessens
  • Sweet Treats
  • Takeout
  • Tea or coffee
  • Bakery

FIND US IN Westfield Hamburg-Überseequartier

ABOUT Cinnaversum

Welcome to CINNAVERSUM- the ultimate hotspot for cinnamon rolls and Franzbrötchen in the heart of Hamburg, right in the Westlield Center in Haten City! This isn't just about pastries; it's about an epic explosion of flavor!

In our world of sweet temptations, you'll find cinnamon rolls and Franzbrötchen in various variations. We guarantee you'll find your new favorite pastry here. Step in and let yourself be seduced by the irresistible taste of our creations. Welcome to CINNAVERSUM - where every bite is a delight!