Zero Latency Virtual Reality Gaming

Level 2

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ABOUT Zero Latency Virtual Reality Gaming

Zero Latency offers Austria’s first Free Roam Virtual Reality Gaming. Up to 8 players move freely and simultaneously on the same playing area (160m²). The unique and exclusive game titles can be played cooperatively or competitively, which elevates Virtual Reality Gaming to an entertaining group activity for everyone. The top-notch technology and the freedom of movement in the real world that directly transfers into the virtual world outmatches any other VR experience. It allows players to personally become the in-game avatar and to dive deep into the virtual world itself.

Moreover, we offer virtual reality Escape Rooms. Again, the players dive deep into the virtual reality but this time you and your mates try to solve riddles in various genres in order to accomplish your mission.

Zero Latency provides the perfect ambience for friends, families, corporate events, teambuilding activities and parties.   

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